Other Resources

This is a page to put a lot of information in one place. Ideas in these posts may or may not reflect opinions and recommendations of YSS.   Use your own judgment as you look through various resources. None of this is a substitute for regular dental care. Ask your dentist when you have dental questions. If you are a provider, use your knowledge of evidence based dentistry to independently evaluate the sources.

Special Care Dentists of Idaho 2020 Annual Session

ADA CAAP : Achieving Optimal Oral Health Series

American Dental Association Related Sites

Resources Created by other providers, groups or organziations

Elevating Care CE

During COVID-19 Elevate Oral Care began producing continuing education courses on topics such as preventative dentistry, special care dentistry, geriatrics, teledentistry and many more. They have created AGD PACE certified courses that can be accessed free of charge.  to learn more check out  this link

Other Special Care/Mobile Dental Associations